electrotherm GmbH 是一家测定操作、精密测量仪、测量变换器、温度测量变换器、温度传感器的制造商,于1991年成立、拥有DIN EN ISO 9001:2008的认证。
electrotherm GmbH 坐落在德国的绿色心脏,是德国玻璃温度计行业的传统中心,素以生产液体玻璃温度计,实验室精密温度计和技术的温度计。今天,electrotherm GmbH 生产的热电阻和热电偶在工业和科研得到大范围的应用。
electrotherm GmbH of Geraberg was founded in the year 1991. The region around Geraberg, situated in the green heart of germany, is a traditional centre of the german glass and thermometer industry and well known for liquid-in-glass-thermometers, laboratory and precision thermometers.
Now electrotherm produces resistance thermometers and thermocouples for a wide range of applications in industry and science. Major applications are in the chemical industry, in plant engineering, the interior of large-scale diesel engines, in power and heating installations, in agriculture, the food industry, storing and calibration services and standard laboratories.
A number of temperature sensors have been granted special certificates, such as GL for ship-building or ATEX for explosion-protection. Continuous monitoring of the manufacturing process and stringent testing of the finished products ensure compliance with DIN EN ISO 9001:2000 and other international standards.
Additional to the industrial thermometers electrotherm can offer high precision thermometers for applications in R&D. Components and accessories like protective tubes, means of fastening or transmitters complete our product range.
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